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BioTechNZ Market Insights Report – Innovating for a Sustainable Future

As part of our research for the BioTechNZ Market Insights Report we would like to learn more about biotechnology organisations in New Zealand.

We hope that you will take the time to complete our survey – it should only take 10 minutes. 

Our goal is to have all New Zealand biotech organisations, and organisations who offer support services to biotech companies, complete the survey. This will allow us to build a comprehensive map of the New Zealand biotech ecosystem. 

This current information will allow us to measure and track the economic performance and growth of the NZ bioeconomy – it has been nearly 10 years since information of this kind was collected. 

We only require one representative per organisation to complete the survey. The information collected in the survey will be anonymised in the report, which will be released in the middle of the year. All organisations who complete the survey will be sent a free copy of the report. 

BioTechNZ Our aim is to raise awareness and increase the understanding to enable our nation to embrace the best opportunities biotech offers to us daily, helping us live better, healthier and more productive lives.