BIOTechNZ News

New Zealand delegation to BIO 2019

Twenty-six New Zealand biotech companies and universities joined BIOTechNZ, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment as the New Zealand delegation to BIO 2019 in Philadelphia, 3-6 June.
BIOTechNZ News

BIOTechNZ Time to look at the bigger picture

We’ve seen another big month for the biotechnology ecosystem. It was disappointing to see the Minister of conservation Eugenie Sage banning research on gene editing technology, for this round of the provincial Growth Fund, Predator Free 2050 Limited. National's environment spokesperson Scott Simpson says New Zealand will be challenged to become predator free without a gene editing ‘science breakthrough’.
BIOTechNZ News

BIOTechNZ 2019 a year of opportunity and growth

What a great start to 2019 for the biotech community. Firstly I want to personally congratulate two of our outstanding women, Distinguished Professor Margaret Brimble, CNZM, was made a Dame in this year's New Year Honours for services to science, and Dr Siouxsie Wiles, of Auckland, will be a Member of the said Order, for services to microbiology and science communication.
BIOTechNZ News

NZ leading the way with global biotech experts

The New Zealand biotech sector is poised to soar this year with world leading expertise across health, fuel and food research which can help feed the world, BiotechNZ executive director Zahra Champion says.
BIOTechNZ News

The forecast for 2019 is exciting

A meme I saw online last week, truly made me laugh, “there has been a critical failure during Installation of New Zealand Summer, Error 404, Summer was not found.” On the first day of summer there was skiing at Cardrona Alpine Resort, however I’m sure very soon we’ll be complaining how hot it is! In … Continue reading "The forecast for 2019 is exciting"