Media Release
NZ biotech companies and organisations are exploring cutting-edge research to help treat people, but that will soon be swiftly replicated for dogs, cats and other pets.
07 October 2019
Media Release
Biotechnology may be one answer to help slow climate change
Biotechnology may be one of the answers to help slow the serious and urgent issue of climate change, BiotechNZ executive director Dr Zahra Champion says.
26 September 2019
Media Release
Applications open for Dumont d’Urville
New Zealand researchers have the chance to work in France thanks to the Dumont d’Urville, a programme that aims to foster new partnerships and developing science and technology exchanges between research laboratories of excellence. The grant will pay for up to $80,000 in total per project for up to two years for travel, research expenses … Continue reading "Applications open for Dumont d’Urville"
16 August 2019
Media Release
NZ slow to grab slice of the lucrative global legal cannabis market
NZ will miss out on billions of dollars of exports in the fast-growing global legal cannabis industry, BiotechNZ executive director Dr Zahra Champion says.
09 August 2019
Media Release
Queenstown staging major life sciences events tomorrow
Queenstown will tomorrow host one of the most significant life sciences conferences in New Zealand.
24 July 2019
Media Release
Gene editing has a crucial role to play in reducing emissions
Gene editing has a crucial role to play in reducing emissions to deal with climate change, BiotechNZ executive director Dr Zahra Champion says.
10 July 2019