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2018 NZ Society of Soil Science Conference: “Diverse Soils – Productive Landscapes”
This biannual conference is a must attend event organised by the New Zealand Soil Science Society and OnCue Conferences, and will cover a diverse range of topics under the theme ‘diverse soils – productive landscapes’.
The wider Hawke’s Bay region is home to a diverse mix of primary production, from forestry and sheep and beef production on the coastal and northern hill country, intensive dairy systems on the flat and rolling terraces abutting the Ruahine ranges, to highly productive horticulture and cropping on the fertile Heretaunga and Ruataniwha plains. During the 4-day conference you’ll get a chance to hear from a wide range of researchers, industry leaders, consultants and advisors, regulators and land managers on all things soils related, anchored by a range of exciting keynotes focused on soilscapes, food production and hot topics around water use and environmental indicators.
For further information and to register: https://nzsssconference.co.nz/