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Bioscience Enterprise Forum- Phil Matheson ” The truly magical fungus”
Inviting you on behalf of the Institute for Innovation in Biotechnology (IIB) to the first face-to-face forum in our series of networking events.
This month we welcome guest speaker Phil Matheson from BioFab ” The truly magical fungus”
Plastics are a leading cause of physical pollution on earth. Every year we are introducing millions of tons of durable toxins into our environment. Most of this pollution is related to single-use materials, like Styrofoam
BioFab’s solution is to use new technology to create polystyrene replacements from agricultural waste and mushroom mycelium – the vegetative root structure that produces mushrooms.
Phil’s expertise in growing mushrooms led him to the development of mycelium-based technology with BioFab NZ. With a strong background in marketing and strategy, corporate governance, and business analysis, Phil has owned and developed six start-up companies since 2000 and has a particular interest in Biotech, Agritech and Foodtech