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Biosecurity New Zealand Forum: Partnering to Protect
The annual Biosecurity Forum is a two-day event covering the many different approaches to and motivations for biosecurity. This year’s forum theme is ‘Biosecurity: Partnering to Protect’.
The Minister for Biosecurity, Hon Damien O’Connor, will launch the Implementation Plan for Biosecurity 2025 and he’ll also open the Biosecurity Awards dinner on the evening of 12 November – celebrating our best and brightest biosecurity heroes.
Sessions will explore the relationship between biosecurity and biodiversity; new approaches by industry and researchers to biosecurity problems and how innovation can improve our biosecurity protection. There are a range of interesting and thought-provoking presenters.
With issues including Mycoplasma bovis, myrtle rust, kauri dieback and the brown marmorated stink bug have dominated our news media this past year. No one can have any doubt about the importance of a resilient and effective biosecurity system.
Clearly the future of New Zealand’s biosecurity will lie in the hands of the planners, policy-makers, scientists and educators of tomorrow but the Forum will also be of interest to a range of students, particularly those studying in the fields of biodiversity, primary production, conservation, economics and biosecurity itself.
Win a free student registration
There are 6 complimentary registrations to this two-day event to enable some interested students to attend – the Biosecurity New Zealand Forum Studentships.
Interested students send a short email application, including a brief outline of what you are studying, why you believe biosecurity should matter to all New Zealanders; what you feel are some of the biggest challenges for biosecurity in New Zealand; and what are some of the opportunities. These need only be very short responses and do include contact details.
Send applications to: BiosecurityForum@mpi.govt.nz